Deserted Hermitage Monastery

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The hermitage is an old, uninhabited place, however it is understood today that it is important. It is a rich, green place with pure waters, from where the beautiful views of the small town of Chokhatauri are found.
A church cut out of rock face is the only one of its kind to be found in Guria. The exact date of its construction is unknown, but it is believed that it was built in the second half of the VI century. Additionally, there are four more caves in the lower part of the mountain, which are artificially made on one side of the apse and completes the shrine. Because of this church and Senaki in the rock, this hermitage is called the Vardzia of Guria.
On the upper part of the slope, a rock wall from the XIX century is located 200 meters away from the church. In 1958, the local authorities destroyed the building for construction materials. The destruction of the East and the South walls has presently led to the reconstruction of new church ground.